
Fellowship Details

The Indicorps Fellowship requires a complete investment of your time and focus for a minimum of one full year.* The program starts with an intense, month-long orientation, which includes an introduction to grassroots development in India, the Indicorps philosophy and simple living.  Over the course of the Fellowship, Fellows attend periodic workshops in which they come together to reflect, share progress, collectively solve challenges and deepen their understanding of India’s development.

In addition, the Fellowship has stringent documentation requirements and promotes self-accountability.  The Fellowship is crafted to consider long-term impact on the local community and to defy common critiques of both international volunteers and the organizations with which they work.  Indicorps takes tremendous pride in creating meaningful projects, preparing its Fellows to be sincere agents of positive social change, and serving an ongoing role in the success of both.  Fellows are required to submit a 10-15 page green paper at the end of the year as a means of sharing learnings from their year with the greater development community.

Indicorps provides a nominal stipend to enable Fellows to live simply in India for the duration of their Fellowship.  Basic room, board and Fellowship-related travel (to and from workshops) are covered by Indicorps or the local partner organization.  Fellows are encouraged to fully immerse in their communities and live according to local standards.  The stipend does not include airfare to/from the applicant’s current location, health care or insurance, or a personal spending allowance.

Language requirements vary by project and are specified in the project descriptions. This said, all fellows should develop a basic grasp of the local language at their project site prior to the start of the Fellowship.

Fellowship candidates apply specifically to projects of their interest.  Although detailed project descriptions are provided, Fellows will be expected to further shape and expand their projects in collaboration with the organization at which they are serving.  The program requires a minimum commitment of one year, although some projects specifically ask for two-year commitments.

*Our projects range from 1 - 2 years in length.

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